The Obong Belton Foundation is asking you to join us for our Advocacy Challenge. Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), Lois Frankel (FL-21), Susan W. Brooks (IN-05), and Nita Lowey (NY-17) reintroduced the Keeping Girls in School Act (H.R.2153 — 116th Congress 2019-2020) to support the educational empowerment of girls globally.
Adolescent girls who remain in school are more likely to support the economic prosperity of their communities and nations. Unfortunately, over 130 million girls worldwide are not in school. While the U.S. has been the global leader in efforts to expand and improve educational opportunities, particularly for girls, there is still more work to be done to ensure access to quality education and expand girls’ economic futures. This bipartisan legislation brings attention to the systemic barriers preventing girls from accessing secondary education, such as child marriage, religious or ethnic discrimination, female genital mutilation, and unsafe access to schools.
“The Keeping Girls in School Act will help reduce barriers girls around the world face when trying to remain in school and help them access more opportunities.” said Rep. Fitzpatrick.
Keeping girls in secondary school could:
Add $92 billion to the economies of low and middle-income nations;
Cut child deaths by 50 percent
Reduce child marriage by 66 percent
Decrease violent conflict by 37 percent
Increase girls’ future wages by up to 20 percent for every year enrolled
Specifically, the Keeping Girls in School Act:
Outlines and highlights a non-exhaustive list of 14 barriers that girls face in entering and remaining in secondary education institutions.
Authorizes a budget neutral funding mechanism where USAID is directed to enter into results-based financing and/or traditional grant project proposals to reduce these barriers adolescent girls face. These proposals will utilize public-private partnerships, development impact bonds, and other innovative financing mechanisms to leverage real results with measurable outcomes.
Requires that the U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls be reviewed and updated every 5 years.
When girls stay in school their communities are healthier, safer, and more prosperous.
We challenge all of you to help us spread the word about the Keeping Girls in School Act. Contact your representatives and ask them to cosponsor this bill. For information on how to contact your representative click on Call My Representative.
For a list of Co-sponsors Click Here
To read the bill click H.R.2153 - Keeping Girls in School Act
